Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Compressed Air Energy Storage

Compressed Air Energy Storage

This describes, a method to store energy using compressed air under sea. It uses a submerged tank and air is pumped to it. This compressed air will be released to obtain energy. The tank is the store of energy. This system is already used to store energy. See Compressed air: the battery of the future and Wikipedia - Compressed air energy storage. Even now this system is used to store energy. Further experimental articles exist how it can be done Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and Underwater Compressed Air Energy Storage: Fantasy or Reality?.

Good article about the process of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) done by Boise State University, Office of Energy Research, Policy and Campus Sustainability is available in the web. Currently operating power plants by utilizing Compressed Air Energy Sources are also available in the web by Bine Informationsidenst. Further article is available by The Greenage UK.

The principle of storing energy by utilizing compressed air is an accepted method of power storage. What I intend in this article is hither to unknown method of storing energy. Usually there are methods of storing energy by compressing air in under water, some details are given in this article.

The current methods in storing energy under water utilities under water fixed natural tanks or artificial tanks. Some suggested method use underwater balloons. In all these cased the tanks are fixed. Hydrostor Inc. has developed an energy storage solution that addresses intermittent (solar & wind), load balancing, reserve capacity, and peak-shaving. Some other articles are available in the web Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) .

The main difference form other methods is, this method utilizes a floating tank. This tank is an underwater tank that floats like submarines. The density of the tank will be made equal to that of the water outside it. The advantage is the pressure inside the tank by the compressed air is balanced by outside pressure of the water. The tank will float up when the pressure is low and it will sink to compensate the pressure when the pressure is high. The advantage of this system is since there is a very little pressure between inside the tank and out, there will be no necessity to have pressure resistance. In other words the cost of the tank can be greatly reduced, because floating will take care of the pressure. Usually high pressure tanks are dangerous and difficult to build. Bigger tanks that can store large amounts of energy will be very expensive. This problem is solved by the floating tank method. The weight of the air will be little compared to the weight of the tank therefore the engineering challenge in building the tank to float in the water will be sufficient.
The novel method will utilize concrete tank to store pressurized air. Need for concrete is necessary because the weight given by the concrete to balance the buoyancy. Concrete was use to make ships in the past. Therefore it is a well proven technology.

This tank can be conceptually thought as an air bubble that will sink and float as the pressure inside the bubble changes, balancing with outside pressure. But, it will be necessary to have a tank to add weight to the bubble to make it sink.

It will be necessary to have a system to change the buoyancy of the tank to make it sink or float depending on the inside pressure. It may need a system to change the density of the system. A system like an old diving bell where air will push out the water, increasing the volume and reducing the density of the system. Air from the tank may be utilized to do this.